Past tense in Polish, exercises based on Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Match Girl". With automatic answer checking.
Level B1
Instructions for Completing the Tests Drag, type, or select words and letters using your mouse (or your finger on a smartphone) into the appropriate blank cell. Polish spelling, tests: RZ or Ż? 1. Read the poem and insert the missing RZ into words (only rz). Try to memorize the poem: […]
The tests below, based on poems, do not have a specific theme. It is a mixed test for practicing noun cases and the conjugations of Polish verbs.
Żebym, żebyś, żeby in Polish: tests with automatic checking of answers. Develop your Polish every day!
Certificate B1 Polish, sample test questions 2017: Grammar. Fill the blanks online and find out what your score is right on the page.
Certificate B1 Polish, sample test questions 2019: Grammar. Fill the blanks online and find out what your score is right on the page.
Free online tests for exceptions and peculiarities of Polish nouns. You will find out the correctness of the answers on the page.
Instructions for completing the test How to check answers To check the answers yourself, you need to find and press the blue “Sprawdź” button directly under each of the tasks. If the task is completed in full, you will see the number of correct answers. In some tasks, an additional […]