Past tense in Polish, exercises based on Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Match Girl". With automatic answer checking. Grammar Past tense. Aspect Verbs Past tense in Polish, exercises
The tests below, based on poems, do not have a specific theme. It is a mixed test for practicing noun cases and the conjugations of Polish verbs. Grammar Mixed exercises: cases Nouns and adjectives Present tense. Verb conjugation Verbs Polish Language Tests with Poems: Cases and Conjugations
Mixed exercises on the conjugation of Polish verbs. Fill in the blank cells and check the answers on the page. Grammar Present tense. Verb conjugation Verbs Mixed exercises on the conjugation of Polish verbs
Online exercises and tests for the fourth conjugation of Polish verbs. You can check the correctness of the answers right away on the website. Grammar Present tense. Verb conjugation Verbs The fourth conjugation of Polish verbs: tests
Learn 50 more Polish third conjugation verbs: blocks of 5 verbs, practice all six present tense verb forms. Grammar Present tense. Verb conjugation Verbs Learn 50 more Polish third conjugation verbs
Polish language tests and exercises: 55 Polish verbs of the first conjugation. Online exercises, with online answers checking. Grammar Present tense. Verb conjugation Verbs 55 Polish verbs of the first conjugation
Certificate B1 Polish, sample test questions 2017: Grammar. Fill the blanks online and find out what your score is right on the page. Grammar Mixed exercises: cases Nouns and adjectives Numerals Prepositions Verbs Certificate B1 Polish, sample test questions 2017: Grammar
Certificate B1 Polish, sample test questions 2019: Grammar. Fill the blanks online and find out what your score is right on the page. Grammar Mixed exercises: cases Nouns and adjectives Numerals Prepositions Verbs Certificate B1 Polish, sample test questions 2019: Grammar
Certificate B1 Polish, sample test questions 2020: Grammar. Fill the blanks online and find out what your score is right on the page. Grammar Mixed exercises: cases Nouns and adjectives Numerals Prepositions Verbs Certificate B1 Polish, sample test questions 2020: Grammar